Monday, April 27, 2009

shiny and new!

This is my second blog. I used to blog about my knitting projects but I have learned a lot of new skills over the past couple of years and now a blog url with 'knitting' in it seemed somewhat...irrelevant. I still love knitting but at the moment with all the study that I need to be doing for year 12 I don't really have the luxury of sitting down and knitting in front of the TV. Damn. But I do have visual art studies.

I confess, It is still school and still a lot of work but at least it does not involve me writing essays, remembering concepts, formulas and analysing things till they are dead and lifeless. I guess what I am trying to say is that it is.....ahem....'creative'. There I said it.

In the next month I am going to be completing the practical component of my art course. Over the last couple of months I have been designing some costumes for the year12 drama students to wear in their production of Shakespeare's The Tempest. I also managed to get myself the oppurtunity to perform in it. It will probably be the last thing I do but at least I will be on stage. Hooray!

This blog will act as a sort of a journal for the 'peicing together' of my costume designs. I hope that the people who read this blog, if any, enjoy watching it all come together as much I am enjoying the whole process of designing and creating.

:) Becky-Dee


  1. I was wondering where you had disappeared to.

    Welcome back. New blogs are great. I sympathize about how all-consuming year 12 can be. Mine was full-on, but I wouldn't have had it any other way.

    We evolve, and so must our blogs - I look forward to reading your musings and seeing your designs in this journal. :)

    ~Caffeine Faerie

  2. Hey Becky,

    Glad you're back! I've always enjoyed seeing what you come up inspiring!
